
our final project shows everything. The name is black hole and you can use it as for travel or post with highest speed and safety. thank you
amirali sadeghitabar


men and women are coming together with 2 different type of thinking sharing their idea with each other to create one life with love.

love is like seeing your baby sleep you will do anything for them to raise them in the best shape that is good for them with the experience of life

men and women are like they complete each other and they are like they are always together and whenever they need each other they will be there to help.

life is like the enjoyment of trying space shot you dont know the next feeling or next step yet.

life is like hiking in the snow because you are enjoying each moment and you have no return or making things right you have to carefully move in each step or level

love is like rain it keeps falling and continuing and you have to enjoy it without question.


love is like enjoying the life from being together in the best moments in the best places

continue on juxtaposition

there are 2 different types of analogy,1. logical analogy 2.affective analogy
logical analogy is which use similar things in design,structure of to connect back to subject.
affective analogy is the emotional similarity.


juxtaposition can be used as literary and film. as literary you can use it like this example : its cold outside but im not wearing warm dress. with juxtaposition you made a comparison between this two thing one the outside is cold and the other that im not wearing warm dress.
juxtaposition in literary and film is the arrangement of two opposite ideas or two different ways of thinking and it will use only for the effects of it. If you remember in lost series you like to see next episode every time and you remembered every character in the lost because they used juxtaposition to make it interesting.


this week we have learned about juxtaposition. juxtaposition can be defined as putting 2 variable things beside each other and their similarity shown us the meaning of comparison. the exact definition of juxtaposition is the arrangement of two or more ideas,characters, or anything in similar right moments with the purpose of comparison.

what people will do with mortar & pestle in 20010

they will use it as beautiful bath, to cook food and as a modern satellite

my logical mind map:

Rules and Benefits of logical mind map:

the rules said that you should have your subject always in the center of page then you have to try to make that subject more dominate than any other words or images in your mind.Decide on the main categories of the subject before executing on mind map.
Try to have the different categories in different colors, to make it easier to identify.
Try to use drawings or images to make your mind map more interesting and personal.
the ideal mind map have to be shaped like the roots of a tree, have some branches and its came out from center. its ok to repeat words.
The benefits of logical mind map is concise way of listening and categorizing a mass of information, relationship between each word is going to help you to using brain and you will always take note for everything and its help you in the understanding of subject.
if you make your mind map more interesting its better because you are going to remeber it fast.
if you use image with the words in mind map it will help you and create or make mind map interesting and help that subject stick on your mind for longer time.

example of mind map :

this is example of mind map by tony buzan.

logical and associate mind map technic :

The Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. The Logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words.Using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.

the definition of stereo mind mapping is A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.

a stereo type is a common way that held public belief about specific social groups or different types or individuals.The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions. Generally speaking, stereotypes are not based on objective truth but rather subjective and sometimes unverifiable content matter.

laws of mind mapping :

for the laws of mind mapping im using exactly the same picture that lecture showed us in class,

mind mapping & the advantages :

mind mapping is a great tool for idea generation and brainstorming. It enhance both sides of the human brain and widely used in taking notes. The advantages of mind mapping is flow of thought & new discoveries, visually stimulating , improve creativity & easy to recall , clear & appropriate , help saving time with key words.


definiton of divergent and convergent thinking

convergent thinking is a term coined by paul guilford as opposite of divergent thinking. it means that you can give a correct answer to questions that do not require significant creativity, on the other hand there is divergent thinking and for answering a question you have to know the steps. as an example you have to know all the possible solution to reach one correct answer. so divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions.
psychologist have found that a high IQ does not guarantee creativity. Instead, personality traits that promote divergent thinking are more important. this way of thinking is found between the people with personalities which have traits such as nonconformity.
Activities which promote divergent thinking include creating lists of questions, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming, subject mapping

divergent and convergent thinking

Creative Study,mind mapping

we have to way of thinking.1 divergent thinking 2. convergent thinking
we could see creativity as a divergent thinking followed by convergent thinking. Divergent thinking involves brainstorming, solving the problem, and searching for clues. convergent thinking focus on 1 the problem and you can come up with a solution and come up with information and possibilities and use them to solve the problem. divergent thinking include imagine,explore,generate,play with and etc. convergent thinking include clarify,desicions, categorize,decrease,refine and etc.



those persons who take existing knowledge and create new ideas are called inventors. some one who have new ideas and can access all the process level and reach to final level he can create something new and this is invention.We have 4 types of creativity and we divided peoples into this 4 categories of creativity.
1.aesthetics organizers.2.boundary pushers.3.inventors.4.The rarest group
boundary pushers are those who take an existing idea and make it become a little real and push it further a little.
abraham Lincoln said that the best way to predict your future is to create it and i believe that without pain and sacrifice we would have nothing so we have to go for it and make our future and create it with sacrifices.

CreaTiviTy & innovation

Creativity is the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things. creativity means that every things that you have done in past you are doing that in new way for example,studying when you are dancing or listening to music.
Innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context. it means that you are making some improvement in everything with bringing or making something new. Innovation is a by which an idea or invention is translate into a good service for which people will pay. for making innovation you had to have a new idea and satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate application of information,imagination,and initiatives in deriving greater or different value from resources.
Innovation are divided in 2 categories,1.evolutionary innovation 2. revolutionary innovation.
Revolutionary innovations require a good deal of user-learning often disrupt his or her routine and may even require new behavior patterns. it means that user should have a good and open mind to deal with it and some times it may bring some new routine and new way of living in some one life.


creative process is including the new ideas solutions and the way we process them in our mind and the person who do that is creative person.The definition of novelty is the quality of being means novelty guaranty that your idea quality and the way you want to make things,with novelty you will be sure that your idea is something new and no one used it before.we have to types of novelty (subjective novelty and objective novelty). Subjective novelty is the apperception of something as being new by an individual person or a group of persons,it means that one individual person or a group of persons think or feel that this thing is new and they made it as a new thing. also we have another novelty as i said named objective novelty.objective novelty is something that is new for the whole world and no one have ever seen it before. It is unlikely, however, that even the most knowing and knowledgeable person boldly say that he knows everything that was before and take liberty to judge things from this standpoint.

Lesson 2

what is novelty,creativity,innovation and invention? when the lecture was teaching us the new lesson i taught with my self what is the meaning of this words i may know some of them but i don't know what do they mean in creative study.


first session

The first session of creative studies we have learned so many things,such as:
creative study gives us power to think about anything that we want and then we can change them and bring them to life and make them real. As the lecture said there is no human in the world,only devil and angel and people are divided into this 2 groups. with creative study we can learn how to make things come to reality so study hard because I always think to myself without pain without sacrifices we would have nothing.